Tessa Louise-Salomé

Tessa Louise-Salomé is a director, editor, and producer. She got her start in cinema as an assistant director before dedicating herself to directing and producing. Her work has largely focused on mus

کاندید 1 جایزه
مشهور در فیلم های :
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تهیه کننده (6)
The Wild One The Wild One ( فیلم )

2015 Prima Donna Prima Donna ( فیلم )

2014 Mr. X, a Vision of Leos Carax Mr. X, a Vision of Leos Carax ( فیلم )

2013 Drive in Holy Motors Drive in Holy Motors ( فیلم )

2011 Illegal Love Illegal Love ( فیلم )

کارگردان (4)
خودش (1)
نویسنده (4)
دست اندرکار (1)