Sam Pancake

Sam Pancake is an actor, writer, improvisor and comedian who was born in Petersburg, VA on May 10, 19?? and grew up in Romney, WV. He attended Hampshire High School and gradated cum laude from West Vi

Sam Pancake as Carter in "A Million Little Things" 2018 Ginger Minj, Harold Perrineau and Sam Pancake in "Dumplin"" "Space Station 76" World Festival Premiere, SXSW, Austin, TX 3/8/2014 Sally Struthers, Carole King, Rose Abdoo, Lauren Graham, Sam Pancake, Biff Yeager, and Brad Ellis in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life (2016) Sam Pancake at an event for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life (2016) Kaitlin Olson, Sam Pancake, Carla Jimenez, Sofia Black-D
برنده 1 جایزه ، کاندید 2 جایزه
مشهور در فیلم های :

A Million Little Things Carter French
Dumplin' Dale
Arrested Development James Alan Spangler
فیلم های این هنرمند :
تهیه کننده (1)
2012 Waffle Hut Waffle Hut ( فیلم داستانی )

بازیگر (102)
خودش (8)
نویسنده (1)